Sidings centre at fresnes-sur-escaut

After ten years of work on the cross-Channel site at Coquelles (Eurotunnel), Colas Rail is maintaining the track and the points and crossings in the railway terminals and tunnels on both sides of the Channel.

Following ten years of new works on the Eurotunnel cross-Channel site at Coquelles, Colas Rail is carrying out maintenance work on the tracks, points and crossings at the rail terminals and tunnels in both France and the United Kingdom.

In 2010 and 2011, Europorte Services, a subsidiary of the Eurotunnel Group, was selected in the call for tenders to manage the networks of the sea ports of Dunkirk, Le Havre and Rouen. The Fresnes-sur-Escaut centre was asked to handle the preventive and remedial maintenance of the rail networks.
Colas Rail has renovated the Les Huttes line for Dunkirk’s Grand Port Maritime. The contract covered the complete renovation of 5030 metres of track (including supplies) and of three sidings (including supplies).