Our expertise

    The complementarity of our 12 areas of expertise has made us a rail specialist, but also a multi-skilled integrator able to delivery turnkey projects that cover infrastructures’ entire life cycle.

    System integration

    • Tracks

      Leader in this field, Colas Rail is an undisputed specialist in the design, construction, supply and maintenance of tracks, rail or tire transport systems.

    • Railway signalling

      Colas Rail provides railway signaling services, this involves working on electrical interlocking systems and electrical signaling installations to be regenerated/modernized or new.

    • Overhead lines

      Colas Rail, an international leader in railway infrastructure and catenary expert, is constantly on the lookout for innovation to meet the needs of its customers.

    • Power Supply Systems 

      Colas Rail is a specialist in the design, supply, installation and commissioning of complete electrical power systems for railways and public transport.

    • Distribution sub-stations

      Colas Rail is specialised in designing, installing and putting into service electrical installations such as EALE sub-stations, electrical distribution and powering auxiliaries.

    • Low-voltage and telecoms

      Colas Rail designs and builds low-voltage systems that transport Voice / Data / Image information via wired or wireless networks (radio, WI-FI, GSM…) and technical and audio-visual supervision systems for transport infrastructures.

    • Electro-mechanical and safety equipment

      Colas Rail provides electro-mechanical safety systems: ventilation, smoke extraction, pumping, lighting emergency exits, mechanisation of escalators and lifts.

    Other expertise

    • Training


      Colas Rail training organization, CampusFER, has existed since 2011. 

    • Rolling stock maintenance

      RAMFER: Réseau des Ateliers de Maintenance ferroviaire. Deployed over five sites, in four corners of France, the RAMFER network is specialised in the maintenance ofrolling stock and machines, particularly in the rail sector

    • Infrastructure management

      Colas Rail carries out comprehensive management services for railway infrastructures for private companies: multimodal platform management, upkeep, maintenance, railway operations, audits, and works.

    • Heavy equipment

      Colas Rail operates and maintains different types of heavy railway machinery, either on its own behalf or for its clients.

    • Railway safety

      Colas Rail brings together all the skills linked to the safety of work on the network, on closed lines and lines in operation: certification and safety warnings.

    • Civil engineering

      Colas Rail conducts specific engineering work in tunnels (reinforcements, gauge adjustments, mining, etc.) and foundations.

    New Segment

    • Hydrogen

      COLAS, SPAC and COLAS RAIL are developing a turnkey project for a large-capacity green hydrogen recharging station in order to decarbonize heavy mobility and industry.