Our operational excellence

    Our ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 certifications and the committed CSR ISO-26000 label illustrate our commitment to operational excellence, sustainability and safety. These globally recognized standards reflect our commitment to providing high quality services, minimizing our environmental impact and ensuring the safety of our operations.

    Certificate ISO 9001 COLAS RAIL

    ISO 9001 certification demonstrates our ability to consistently provide service consistent with our customers' requirements, applicable requirements and our commitment to increasing customer satisfaction in our activities.

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    Certificate ISO 14001 COLAS RAIL

    ISO 14001 certification is the reference tool for taking environmental issues into account and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    It demonstrates our commitment and our ability to take on environmental issues linked to our activities and services to act in favor of carrying out actions towards the preservation of environmental areas.

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    Certificate ISO 45001 COLAS RAIL

    ISO 45001 certification demonstrates our ability to prevent and manage professional risks by improving the health and safety of our employees and reducing risks in the workplace.

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    Committed CSR Evaluation Colas Rail

    AFNOR Certification’s Engaged CSR assessment based on the international standard ISO 26000 demonstrates that the interests of stakeholders are taken into account in our activities throughout the world.
    This assessment resulted in obtaining level 3 “Confirmed” of the “Engaged CSR” standard.

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