
As part of the Paris climate agreement, the Hydrogen recovery plan and the low carbon strategy and CSR commitments of the COLAS group, SPAC and COLAS RAIL are developing a turnkey project (EPC type)

 for a recharging station large capacity green hydrogen* in order to decarbonize heavy mobility (trains, buses, trucks) and industry.
*(from 1MW to 5MW)

Our services

  • A Design and Construction offer including the supply and installation of critical equipment (electrolyzers, compressors, storage and distribution).
  • System engineering
  • MSDS
  • Interface management

Our added value

  • The strength of the Colas group
  • Our system integration capacity and our turnkey project references
  • A system integrator offer focused on process security and turnkey project references.
  • A single contractual manager
  • Better management of risks and interfaces
  • Cost optimization

Our turnkey solution

Designer and Builder of hydrogen station

Colas Rail: promoting rail infrastructure solutions for sustainable and responsible mobility

  • €1.12 billion in turnover in 2021
  • 4000 construction sites per year
  • 22 countries on 4 continents
  • 5,600 employees

Spac : build and maintain water and energy transport and distribution networks

  • €157 million in turnover in 2021
  • 75 years of existence
  • 1000 employees

Our expertises

Colas Rail :
  •  System integration
  • Management of complex projects$
  • Strong currents
  • Low voltage
  • Testing and commissioning

  • Networks (hydrogen, water, cooling)
  • Compression and storage

Key figures

  • T of CO2 / year saved per yearQuantity of CO2 saved by the operator following the operation of a 1MW* hydrogen recharging station over a year.*(400Kg H2/ day)