Railway signalling

For more than 20 years, Colas Rail has provided railway signaling services enabling trains to operate in complete safety. This involves working on electrical interlocking systems and electrical signaling installations to be regenerated/modernized or new.



In France : 
  • SNCF activities
  • Design office
  • Construction site activity
  • Signaling solution based on safety automation systems capable of reaching SIL 4 (Tramway, maintenance center and storage)

UK division:

  • Lineside signaling renewals, including lineside asset control
  • Complete renewal of level crossings or upgrade to automatic crossings
  • Signalbox and recontrol to a major control center
  • Modernization of existing interlocks
  • Phone renewals and upgrades

Elektroline : 

  • Railway and trolleybus signaling systems
  • Wayside and on-board systems.
  • Leader in the field of automatic configuration management of the vehicle route on its line through cities or within depots



Qualifications and personnel

  • Qualif 13100
  • SNCF Qualif 
  • SIL 4
Staff worldwide:
  • 60 people in work studies
  • 2/3 people in automation
  • 2/3 people signaling
  • A UK division: 80 people
Product technologies:
  • Safety automaton: SIL 4

Essais et mise en services

We address the entire V-cycle as part of our signaling solutions.

Added value:
  • Hand-key system
  • Independent product
  • Expertise in possession and blockade management
  • Prime Contractor License
Our expertise :
  • Ability to successfully respond to the entire V-cycle
  • Project management
  • Subcontracting management
  • Design
  • Set up
  • Testing

Our references

France : 
  • Tramways :
    T4 Ile de France
UK division:
  • Signaling activities under the Southern Rail System Alliance (East Anglia/Southern/Western/Wales)
  • Sig & Telecom framework for the Western region
  • Installation and testing of the Birmingham tram signaling system within the Midland Metro Alliance
  • Reconstruction of Horaždovice předměstí station, Czech Republic
  • New TBUS depot in Plzeň, Czech Republic
  • Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Arnhem, Burgers' Zoo projects, Netherlands
  • Plzeň - Reconstruction of the Prague railway station grill, Czech Republic